5 Days till I leave (well almost 4 this is kind of a late post)!!! :)
Today I sold my car!! OH HAPPY DAY!!! :D It feels so weird though not to have it any more.. but in a couple of days I'll have something else to drive, but until then I can't just hop into my car and go whenever I want to. So weird, but so nice not to have to stress anymore about selling it!
Ryley called today as well!! He thought he was going to need to get his wisdom teeth pulled, and I spent some time talking him into it being ok and really not that hard (if his wimpy wife can do it he definitely can!). Then he had to go for a little bit to see what really is going on and it turns out he has Tonsillitis. He was pretty relieved that he just needs to take some pills instead of facing a fun day with the dentist. :) Other than that and not liking how hot it gets in the desert he's doing really well! He can't wait to be home and hopefully see Wyatt for their birthday. :)
5 years ago
Hopefully tonsilltis doesn't turn into getting his tonsils taken out!!! That wouldn't make him happy either!!
Hope he gets well, and happy traveling!
Yeah he just needs to take some meds to bring down the swelling luckily. They think his tonsils are just irritated from all the coughing he's been doing lately. He had really bad allergies in NC and in the Mojave it's just really dry..
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