Saturday, September 6, 2008

2nd First Day

All right so yesterday I got to go to my Day 2 classes. My first class was English 12. I like the teacher so far and I am actually looking forward to that class (except for the paper and senior project and senior speech).
My second class was Weight Training. It's the 3rd time I've taken that class. I keep taking it because it's fun and he uses a program that shows us our improvement and we kind of compete with other people too so it gets us motivated. Also he's constantly walking around helping you with your technic and visiting and motivating. He's awesome! He is also the head football coach at my school and I got to know him pretty well last year. His wife is the Drama teacher and since I work on the plays I also know her pretty well. And I also know their daughter, :) I don't talk to their son because he's a jerk, but I kind of know his whole family and it's kind of funny!
My 3rd class was Government, and that class is going to be so easy! I'm really excited because it's going to be a fun class, the teacher seems nice and I've heard a lot of good things about him, also I have a lot of friends in that class.
Then I have early realease. This time I just hung out with friends who didn't have class either and couldn't leave. It was fun I also got my pass so that if I do leave the school like I'm supposed to I can leave with no problems. This time my friends and I got talked to a couple times by the administrators telling us to get off campus, so we just went to places of the school that they wouldn't be for a while and kept moveing to stay away. :)
Then I came home and got ready to go to the football game! It was away and against Rex Putnam, it wasn't at their high school though, it was at their middle school. The middle school used to be a high school and the field is terf so they always use that school. I went with my friend Mandy, and I looked up the directions on Map Quest. I'm never using Map Quest again because it took us to a residential area with no school. So we ended up at a Fred Meyer and went into customer service for directions, we weren't too far off, but enough to get lost because it was in the Portland area and it's very confusing! We got to the game by the 2nd quarter. We won the game!!! We totally creamed them! It was a really exciting and fun game! We ended up getting home just fine, Map Quest wanted to take us the long way, but Mandy knew a faster way so we got home with no problems! :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I started school and seminary today!!! I'm so happy that it's started! This year I have my license and mom and dad are letting me use the car to take to seminary and school. :) So this morning Jackie and I went to seminary at our church building. My seminary teacher won't be here till Monday so for today and tomorrow my class is combined with the Juniors. It was fun!
Then I we headed off to school. It was great seeing all the friends that I hadn't seen all summer! For those of you who don't know my high school is on block schedule. I really like that because we have more time in each class, so more time to learn and do homework with your teacher there to help! Today I had Algebra 2, Economics, Medical Terminology, and Early Release. Algebra was ok, it was mostly introducing ourselves to our teacher. My teacher seems to be pretty cool, but I've never heard anything about his teaching just that he's really cute (yeah he's younger and the majority of the girls at school are drooling over him.... honestly he's not that good looking).
For Economics I have the same teacher that I had last year for 20th Century. I'm really excited because he's a really good teacher and makes it fun. Like today we got to play with play dough and other things to make an invention that we think would help our economy. It was fun and something that go us thinking.
Medical Terminology will be a very hard class. The teacher is nice and he's a really good teacher. I had him last year for Anatomy and Physiology. We also have new text books for that class and they're really nice! I'm excited for that class also.
For Early Release I'm supposed to go home... however Jackie doesn't want to ride the bus so I stick around. Today I hung out in one of my old Health teachers rooms, and that's where I'll be for all of my Day 1's. She's really fun and I love talking to her. So while I'm in her class I study and if she ever needs help I will be her TA for that class too.
Tomorrow is like another first day of school because I have 4 different classes. I will have English 12, Weight Training, Government, and Early Release. I'm really excited!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Today is my mom's birthday!! She didn't get to do anything fun. :( We all worked today and then tonight she has to go to the Young Women's Activity. She decided that she wanted chocolate chip cookies, so while mom, dad, and I were working Jackie and Emma made her the cookies. I love you mom, and I'm sorry that your birthday wasn't the funnest and that you had to work, hopefully tonight you'll have more fun, or get to do something later (like you did on your anniversary).